Ease of High Quality - Budget Bracket #2
Budget Bracket #2 represents our middle tier pricing. As far as particulars of the package, it’s similar to Budget Bracket #1 but has 1 key difference.
What is the difference between Bracket #1 and #2?
The key difference is the production quality, and with that the production setups that come with it. This generally refers to a larger crew, and most noticeably a significantly more professional equipment setup. The end result is a much higher film quality, which is more inline with professional standards of paid advertisements. You can see an example below.
Budget Bracket #1 vs Budget Bracket #2
What is the “different production setup”?
Compared to Bracket #1, the experience of this package is very different. The most impactful differences are:
The amount of equipment that is used. Not only is it higher quality, but its also higher quantity. Naturally the setup is much more demanding of space. So long story short, it’s a bigger deal than the first package.
Insurance Requirements. In the world of property legalese, video production teams are treated as vendors on the property, and thus, have to meet the buildings liability insurance requirements. The process is usually easy, but at times the building may have stipulations we have to adjust to. Regardless, it’s imperative to communicate about the issue with building management. Ignoring this issue can often result in getting kicked out of the property.
On-Camera experience. Naturally with all the lights and equipment, the filming experience is a bit more big league. However, our team works diligently to ensure an easy going experience.
value of this budget?
What is the value of a higher production level?
Videos produced at a higher production level are most valuable for:
Service Based Industries such as accounting, law, insurance, etc.
Buying audiences
Lower CPM (cost per 1,000 impressions)
In some cases, older audiences
Closing Thoughts
A high quality production, obviously, is an industry standard for Video Production Agencies. This package represents the most plain and professional option should your budget fit. It is however advised to take into account the full scope of what your content is, and who will receive it. We are here to advise you on considerations for your marketing outlooks.
Email: info@personalpressllc.com
Phone: 631-245-9472